Top 10 Java 8 Interview Questions and Answers

Java 8 is popular in interviews due to the introduction of several key features. It offers multiple ways to write cleaner and more efficient code. If you’re preparing for a Java interview, you’re likely to encounter questions about Java 8, either directly or indirectly. As a professional Java developer who has conducted many interviews, I’ve compiled the top 10 features of Java 8 with detailed examples and explanations.

1. What are the features that are introduced in Java 8?

Java 8 introduced a number of major features that transformed the way Java programs are written, including:

  • Lambda Expressions: Offers a straightforward and succinct method to express a single abstract method interface through an expression.
  • Stream API: Enables functional-style operations on streams of elements, such as filtering, mapping, and reducing.
  • Optional Class: Introduced to avoid null pointer exceptions and handle values that may or may not be present.
  • Default and Static Methods in Interfaces: Allows interfaces to have methods with implementations, making it easier to evolve interfaces without breaking the implementation.
  • Method References: Provides a shorthand notation for a lambda expression that calls an existing method.
  • New Date and Time API: A new java.time package was introduced to deal with date and time in a more intuitive and thread-safe manner.
  • Nashorn JavaScript Engine: A new engine to execute JavaScript code within Java applications.

2. What is a Lambda Expression, and why is it important in Java 8?

A Lambda Expression in Java 8 is essentially an anonymous function that allows you to write more concise code, especially in scenarios where small functional behavior needs to be passed. It eliminates the need for creating anonymous inner classes and makes code more readable and less cluttered.


// Before Java 8
Runnable runnable = new Runnable() {
    public void run() {

// Using Lambda Expression in Java 8
Runnable runnable = () -> System.out.println("Running...");

Lambda expressions are important as they enable functional programming in Java, making it easier to express operations like iterating over collections and working with streams.

3. What is the Stream API, and how does it work in Java 8?

The Stream API is one of the most powerful features of Java 8. It allows developers to process collections of objects in a functional manner. A stream is a sequence of elements from a source (e.g., collection, array) that supports aggregate operations. The Stream API works on a lazy execution model, meaning operations are only performed when terminal operations (like collect(), forEach()) are invoked.


List<String> names = Arrays.asList("John", "Jane", "Jack", "Doe");

// Using stream to filter and collect names
List<String> result =
                           .filter(name -> name.startsWith("J"))

In the above example, we filter the names starting with “J” and collect them in a list using the Stream API. The API encourages immutability and thread safety due to its functional nature.

4. Explain the concept of Functional Interfaces in Java 8.

Which interface has only one abstract method is known as a functional interface. We can annotate with @FunctionalInterface annotation to mark interfaces designed to be functional. These are critical for using lambda expressions, as lambdas can be treated as instances of functional interfaces.


public interface MyFunctionalInterface {
    void execute();

Java provides many built-in functional interfaces such as Runnable, Callable, Comparator, and newly added ones like Function, Predicate, Supplier, and Consumer.

5. What is the significance of the Optional class in Java 8?

The Optional class in Java 8 was introduced to deal with null values in a safer way and avoid NullPointerException. It is an object that holds a value, which can either be present or absent. Instead of returning null, methods can return an Optional to indicate the presence or absence of a value.


Optional<String> optional = Optional.ofNullable(getName());

// Check if a value is present
if (optional.isPresent()) {
} else {
    System.out.println("Name is not available");

The Optional class provides methods like isPresent(), ifPresent(), orElse(), and orElseThrow() to handle values in a more controlled manner.

6. What are Default Methods in interfaces, and why were they introduced in Java 8?

Default methods are methods within interfaces that come with a pre-defined implementation. An interface can have only abstract methods but it was before Java 8. Now with default methods, interfaces can be extended without forcing changes to existing implementations, ensuring backward compatibility. If a class implements an interface, it automatically inherits default methods unless it chooses to override them.


public interface Vehicle {
    default void start() {
        System.out.println("Vehicle is starting...");

class Car implements Vehicle {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Car car = new Car();
        car.start();  // Output: Vehicle is starting...

This feature provides backward compatibility, allowing new methods to be added to interfaces without forcing all implementing classes to modify their code.

7. How Does Java 8 Manage Date and Time with the New API?

Java 8 introduced an improved Date and Time API, located in the java.time package, which is more intuitive and feature-rich compared to the old java.util.Date and java.util.Calendar classes. This new API is both immutable and thread-safe.

Key classes include:

ZonedDateTime: Represents a full date-time with a specific time zone.

LocalDate: Represents a date (year, month, day) without any time zone information.

LocalTime: Represents a time (hours, minutes, seconds) without a date.

LocalDateTime: Combines both date and time without a time zone.


LocalDate today =;
LocalDate birthday = LocalDate.of(1990, Month.JANUARY, 1);
System.out.println("Today's date: " + today);

This modern API simplifies date and time manipulation, making it more readable and practical compared to the older approaches.

8. What Are Method References in Java 8?

Java 8 introduced Method References, a feature that allows referencing methods of classes or objects using the :: operator. This feature simplifies the syntax of lambda expressions by allowing you to directly refer to existing methods.

There are four types of method references:

Constructor Reference: Class::new

Static Method Reference: Class::staticMethod

Instance Method Reference of a Specific Object: object::instanceMethod

Instance Method Reference of Any Object of a Class: Class::instanceMethod


// Using Lambda Expression
list.forEach(s -> System.out.println(s));

// Using Method Reference

In this example, System.out::println is a shorthand version of the lambda expression s -> System.out.println(s).

9. What Benefits Does the Stream API Provide in Java 8?

The Stream API in Java 8 brings significant benefits for processing data more efficiently and expressively:

  • Declarative Programming: Stream API allows you to describe data processing tasks in a clear, functional style, avoiding the verbosity of imperative code.
  • Concurrent Processing: Streams can efficiently utilize multi-core processors, allowing developers to easily perform operations on large datasets in parallel.
  • Parallel Processing: It takes advantage of multi-core processors, allowing parallel execution of tasks for better performance on large datasets.
  • Lazy Evaluation: Operations on streams are performed lazily, meaning they only execute when needed, leading to performance gains by skipping unnecessary computations.
  • Method Chaining: Streams support method chaining, resulting in cleaner, more readable code.

List<Integer> numbers = Arrays.asList(2, 1, 3, 8, 5, 10, 7, 4, 9, 6);

// Using Stream API to filter even numbers, square them, and collect the results
List<Integer> squaredEvenNumbers =
                                          .filter(num -> num % 2 == 0)
                                          .map(num -> num * num)

System.out.println(squaredEvenNumbers); // Output: [4, 64, 100, 16, 36]

This example shows how the Stream API allows concise, fluent operations to filter, map, and collect data.

10. What is the Purpose of the CompletableFuture Class in Java 8?

The CompletableFuture class, introduced in Java 8, enables developers to write non-blocking, asynchronous code. It simplifies managing future results and provides a more efficient way to handle tasks without relying on traditional threading techniques.

Key features include:

  • Asynchronous Execution: Methods like supplyAsync() allow tasks to be executed in the background, freeing up the main thread.
  • Task Chaining: CompletableFuture supports chaining multiple tasks, making it easier to handle dependent operations.
  • Exception Handling: It includes methods for managing exceptions that occur during asynchronous processing.

CompletableFuture<Integer> future = CompletableFuture.supplyAsync(() -> {
    // Simulate a time-consuming task
    try {
    } catch (InterruptedException e) {
        throw new IllegalStateException(e);
    return 42;

// Process the result when it's available
future.thenAccept(result -> System.out.println("The answer is: " + result));

Here, a background task runs asynchronously, and the result is printed once it’s ready, without halting the main thread.

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